January is full of plans and hopes for the coming year. To keep my creativity flowing I’ve embarked upon a 365 project with my daughter Scarlet over on instagram @scarley.boo (pop over and take a look at what we’ve got up to so far). We’ll post a photo every day that we have taken in Telford, Shropshire or out and about on our adventures.
Our aim is to push my photography knowledge, try new lighting techniques, have an outlet for my more bonkers portrait ideas and most of all have fun! We’ve been lucky to have snow in Telford which as a lover of outdoor photography has made me a very happy snapper! We have experimented in the studio with silhouettes, shadows and both flash and natural light. It’s fantastic to be able to just go wild with an idea with no specific brief to meet.
Sacrlet is enthusiastic about it right now so fingers crossed that continues past our first month of the project! Follow our project at https://www.instagram.com/scarley.boo/